Tuesday, February 28, 2012

10 months

10 months? no way.  My baby can't be 10 months already.  That means the countdown is on for her FIRST birthday?! nope.  She's going to stay a baby forEVER!  Ok, I guess its true, she's 10 months old.
We haven't been to the doctor since her 9 month visit (yay for no sickness!) so no clue on weight or stats, but I feel she's getting bigger.  She is starting to wear 6-9month clothing but can still fit into most of her 3-6month clothes.  She's also eating much more solid food - more on that in a bit. We still have NO teeth and none poking through, I'm guessing they'll make there way eventually. 

Food - Kylah is still taking 5 5oz bottles a day, but we've added in more solids.  And even changed the solids from mainly purees to more finger food.  She likes to feed herself and we can all eat dinner as a family (or clean the kitchen, etc) while she keeps busy in her high chair.  We've added in broccoli, and I spent the weekend making some new finger foods for her.  So far she's eating them all.  She's not a huge fan of broccoli, but she'll eat it.  I think one of her favorite finger foods is now officially black beans.  Since her 9month post, she has tried egg yolks, pasta, rice, broccoli, blueberries, and cottage cheese. 

Activities - Nothing major on this front yet.  She's a super fast crawler and can pull up and cruise like a champ.  She is using her walk behind car and piano to walk across the floor but no steps on her own yet.  She also isn't really into letting go to stand on her own, but she's done it a few times.  Still mainly babbling but she has said 'mama' in the last month.  Not on command, and she doesn't really know that I am mama, but it still warmed my heart nonetheless.

Sleep - The past two weeks she's been sleeping later in the mornings, so that's good news.  Unless its the weekend and then she thinks it is time to party.  She goes to bed between 8-9 and is now waking up around 6am to eat and start her day.  Weekends she likes to stay up late and wake up early.  At least we're able to go back to sleep after her early morning wake up.

Toys - She's still really partial to her bath toys, I'm guessing because they are so small she can hold them and they are soft to chew on.  She likes her blocks and ride on cars, but still hasn't shown favortism to any toy in particular.  We got her a bedtime seahorse that plays bedtime music and has a soothing glow to it - her face LIT up in the store when she saw it, but now at home, she could take it or leave it. 

Happy 10 months to me!

It was REALLY hard to get a decent picture this month.

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