Monday, March 26, 2012

11 months!

wow. my last "monthly" post. Its a little sad tonight as I took her pictures and write this post and realize we only have one more month before she turns the big 1!  We've had a busy month of sickness (both me and Kylah) so we have some idea of how big she's gotten.  My has she put on the pounds.  2 weeks ago when we took her in for her bronchial virus, she was about 17.5 lbs!  She's wearing 6-9month clothes but can easily fit in 12 month dresses (the pants are a little long on her short self).  AND!!! We FINALLY have some teeth poking through.  Its the top two, so she's totally skipped over her bottom teeth and on her way to having rabbit teeth.  I think its her way of making up for not making her Easter appearance last year as planned.  Those suckers are sharp!

Food: Over the past week, she's dropped a bottle.  We're at 4 5oz bottles a day and 3 really hefty solid meals.  We're completely off purees (except for some yogurt or cottage cheese) and strictly on finger foods.  She loves getting messy and feeding herself, and we love the freedom it gives us to eat dinner as a family.  She's become a bit of a pickier eater, deciding she didn't like vegetables anymore.  She still loves her fruit and she has been eating green beans lately, so maybe we can get some more vegetables in her afterall.  We've added watermelon and cantaloupe,  She LOVES watermelon.  I've been making home made mac and cheese and she loves that.  She also enjoys cheese quesadillas and recently had a chicken quesadilla at Chipotle!

Activities:  She's beginning to stand more on her own, letting go of things and standing there for awhile.  Last week she even took her first wobbly steps from daddy to me.  It was only 3, but we were both so excited to be able to witness this milestone.  Still babbling away, says hi and bye and "eh" when she wants something.

Sleep:  Eh, this month has been all over the place as far as sleep is concerned.  Some nights its great, others it is wretched.  Between being sick and teething, we just hope this is a bump in the road and we'll be on to more consistent nights sleeping soon.  5 nights out of 7, one of us ends up on the couch with her. 

Toys: When Kylah got sick with her bronchial virus, I had to run out to the store to get her medicine and of course I had to stop in and get her a toy, a stuffed giraffe to make her feel better.  She's been holding that as she drifts of to sleep and likes to feel on it and rub its head.  She still loves her bath time toys and her laptop.  She also loves her ride on and push behind cars.  She's actually pretty easy going with toys and will play with just about anything.

you can see my top teeth if you look closely!

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