Sometimes you just know something isn't right with your kid. Being first time parents, Kris and I question everything that happens, or doesn't happen because we want to make sure we're doing things "right". Kylah's been a little
off so to speak for a few days. She started developing a little cough, nothing major, nothing consistent, and with the way the weather has been going we figured it was attributed to that. Then she started changing her sleeping habits, for 2 nights she woke up around 3am just screaming. She was fine once we laid down with her and went right back to sleep, but that wasn't like her. Other than those 2 small symptoms, she showed no other signs of illness. She was eating a ton, drinking her bottles, drinking water, playing, taking naps, and just overall her happy self. We still knew something wasn't right. Turns out, she had strep throat. Really? no other signs besides a small cough and restless sleep and she has strep throat? Another round of antibiotics is going on as I type. However, I think she's shared her germs with me as my throat is feeling a bit scratchy.
Besides the sickness, nothing major to report, working on standing alone - and trying to get a decent picture of it. Here's my best attempt.
a bit blurry! |
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