Can I just say I'm sick and tired of the sickness! Kylah was feeling much better this past week after getting the antibiotics in her from strept throat. However, Friday night she would NOT sleep in her crib. Kris slept on the couch with her and I slept upstairs since I was still recovering from my own illness. Saturday morning she was still pretty restless and when I picked her up, she felt extremely warm. Even the palms of her hands felt hot. Took her temperature and it was 102.4. Oh no! Baby tylenol here we come. An hour after the tylenol kicked in, it was down to 100.9, but she had developed this raspy cough overnight as well and we decided we best take her in. We called her pediatrician (after multiple calls to our own moms) and decided to give KidMed down the street a shot. This was at 8am. However, they don't open until noon. Of course the wait for me was painful, I even had to go run errands just to give me something to do besides wait and worry.
We got to KidMed around 11:45 and there were already 4 other sick kids waiting outside for the doors to open. KidMed, if you don't have one, is pretty awesome in my opinion. Its like a Patient First, but for kids. Plus, I hate Patient First. Its technically a pediatric urgent care. They are open evenings and weekends. The doors opened at noon, I filled out paperwork, and we waited. But not long, they took us back pretty quickly and after some quick vitals (17lbs6.4oz) we saw a doc pretty quick. He started talking RSV, which was my fear. He watched her breathe and saw it was irregular, fast, and a little labored. Listened to her breathe and heard some wheezing. It all happened so quick, but it was terrifying for me. She was a trooper and let him poke and listen, and put up a tiny fight when he did the snot swab. They were going to run the test for RSV and we had to do a breathing treatment while we waited for the results. Oh the breathing treatment. Torture, pure torture. Not only for me and Kris (ha!) but for poor Kylah too. Poor baby had to have a face mask and breathe in the medicated air (albuterol) for what seemed like a lifetime. She cried. the. entire. time. Finally towards the end, she stopped fighting it, but she was still crying and whining. As soon as it was done, she passed out, exhausted from the sickness and the fighting. Doc came back in, RSV was negative - that's good. Wait what? Now she has to have a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia? Off to the x-ray area. Luckily this was right across the hall and she was the trooper and we were in and out in no time. More waiting. X-ray clear. So basically she just has a nasty bronchial virus that will take a few days to run its course. We had to do *another* breathing treatment before leaving (torture, AGAIN). Her wheezing was then subsided. But, we then found out that we'd be sent home with a nebulizer and a prescription for albuterol so we could do the breathing treatments at home - fun times! She also got a prescription for a steroid to help open her airways. Finally, after 2 hours of being at KidMed, we went home. Kylah was glad to be home and spent a lot of time sleeping on the couch (after fighting breathing treatments). She seems to be feeling much better and we only did 3 treatments on Sunday and she fights them less now, still cries the entire time, but less fighting. Kris stayed home with her today and I'll be home with her tomorrow, and hopefully after that she'll be over the hump and feeling much better. Is it spring/summer yet and time for the sickness to dissipate?!
sleeping sick baby |
:( doing a breathing treatment. |
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