Monday, January 23, 2012

Miss Independent

*tear* my baby is growing up.  For the past few days she's been consistently holding her bottle.  Granted, she's been able to hold her bottle for awhile now, she just always chose to let me cuddle her and hold it for her.  Now, she's doing it herself.  AND she's now feeding herself.  She hasn't gotten the concept of scooping the food out the bowl, but as long as you put her food on her spoon, she'll take it from you and does a very good job at making it in her mouth.  Its quite a mess, but so cute all the same.  The past few meals we've shared feeding.  I feed her some, and let her do it.  Tonight at dinner, I was not allowed to feed her.  She wouldn't open her mouth for me, she would smack the spoon if I came near her mouth until I gave it to her and let her feed herself.  I'm glad she's learning this new skill, but I'm not ready for my baby to grow up. 

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