We finally had Kylah's 9 month well child checkup. She's still tiny, growing along her 5% curve for height and weight. Weight was 15lbs2oz and 25in long. Not sure what her head circumference was, but it was in the 50th percentile. Basically she's a tiny girl with a big head, our little bobblehead. (She takes after daddy with that big head). She had to have a finger prick to check some blood stuff, and we found out she's a little low on iron so we started a multivitamin today. It smelled horrid, but she sucked it down like a champ. She didn't even cry for the finger prick. Her shot on the other hand, she cried a bit when the nurse stuck her, but a couple hugs from daddy and she was good to go.
The doctor was impressed with her babbling and her milestones. He felt her gums and doesn't think it will be too long before we finally see some teeth. The good news is, her ears are clear from her last ear infection! We talked about transitioning to whole milk after her first birthday and adding some red meat into her diet to help with her low iron. Guess she'll get some ground beef when we make burgers or tacos or spaghetti from now on. When he found out she's not a fan of water, he was concerned that we were giving her juice until he realized I'm just as much of a juice nazi (his words) as he is. He explained to Kris that they don't need juice and the sweetness in juice can sometimes make them only want juice/sweet things. Score one for mommy!!! I'll eventually give her juice, but will be used as a treat more than a normal occurrence.
We've tried some new foods recently. I scrambled up some egg yolks on Sunday for her and let her eat them off her high chair tray. Tonight we tried blueberry puree, and then mixed some of that puree with plain yogurt. She loves her food. But blueberries are messsssyyyyyyy but so much fun!
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