Kylah turned 1 on April 26th! I can't believe its been a whole year since we brought this sweet little baby girl into our world. Life's changed so much and its so crazy to look at how far she's come and how much she's grown. She had her 1 yr old checkup on April 30th to get some shots and check her stats. My tiny baby is finally out of the 5% in weight. She weighed 19.8lbs and was 30inches long (Although I definitely think she's shorter, but its really hard to get a height/length measurement on a wiggly toddler). Her head measured at 18inches and that still is falling in the 50%. She moved up to 10% in weight and height. Her iron was low again on the finger prick, even lower than her 9month visit and that concerned our doctor a bit. He didn't really think her iron was low with her recent gain in weight and her color looking the way it did, but since Kylah isn't fond of veggies anymore and we're still working on eating meat, he wanted to make sure. So after her 2 shots (which I had to be the mean mommy and hold her legs down!) we had to have blood drawn on her. Now, I hate giving blood or having blood drawn. They can never find a good vein on me and most of my blood draws end up coming out of my hand. I was terrified of putting her through that. But the nurse was good and got her on the first try. She wailed and it was heartbreaking, but she's a trooper. The good news? Her hemoglobin was normal, so she just doesn't respond to finger pricks.
The doctor said she looked great and was progressing normally, so I guess we're figuring out this whole parent thing. Its a challenge every day, but the reward is unexplainable. Its crazy to think just a year ago she was born, she had bad jaundice, we were having feeding issues, and I was freaking out about how to take care of and raise this itty bitty little innocent person. And now, she's a good eater, plays independently, full of laughter and energy little girl. She's always smiling or laughing. She laughs when she eats, its hilarious, she's so happy to just be. She walks around the house just laughing at herself. She makes my heart smile!
Happy 1st Birthday to my sweet baby girl Kylah!
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