Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What's in a name?

So what's in a name?  How did we come up with the name Kylah? and what's with the name of the blog?
Welll.........Kylah's full name is Kylah Avery.  Both Kris and I have names that start with a "K" (duh), so it seemed only fitting to name our child with a K name.  Several years ago I had picked out Kayleigh, then it became popular, so then it was Kayla - again, popular.  Then I picked Kyleigh (or Kylie) and even that is becoming popular, so I picked Kylah as it wasn't as popular and just as pretty as those other names.  Avery, well, that was pretty easy.  Growing up in a household with only ONE TV (shocking, I know), I only got to watch whatever my dad was watching at night.  Well spring, summer, and even fall it was baseball.  TBS was always playing the Atlanta Braves, so it became my team, and some special time with my dad.  Watching the games every night and learning about the game.  If anyone knows the Braves of the past, they remember their fabulous starting pitching staff.  Well, one of those pitchers was Steve Avery, and I like the name Avery, so its sort of a tribute to the time spent with my dad watching the Braves every night, and it goes awesome with Kylah.
Well...now for Kylah Bean.  Before we knew Kylah was a girl, we called the baby Jelly Bean, as that is what she kinda looked like at our first ultrasound.  So once we found out we were having a girl and we knew the name, Kylah replaced Jelly, and we have Kylah Bean.  Its just one of the many nicknames we have for her, and probably the most popular.
So there you have it, the history behind her name, and the blog name.

Monday, December 19, 2011

A long time coming...Intro and such.

So I've been contemplating starting a blog for quite some time to keep family updated on our journey and experiences as we figure out this thing called parenthood.  I had been using facebook to just post pictures and random updates, but I wanted something more.  Something I could look back on and eventually show Kylah one day.  
I started a baby book for her, and I've updated it a few times, but who uses paper, pens, and books anymore?  I live on my computer, well more so my smart phone now, but same difference.  
About Us.
The inspiration for this blog is none other than my sweet baby girl Kylah, also known as Kylah Bean (hence the name of the blog).  She was born April 26, 2011 and since then our lives have changed drastically and I couldn't imagine life without her now.  She's smart, funny, cute, sweet, adorable, cuddly, loving,...I could go on, but I guess you get the picture.  As I write this, she is a week away from being 8 months old.  Wow.  8 months have passed.  She's not a little baby anymore.  Its sad, but I love watching her grow and reach new milestones.  
I plan to use this blog as a place to post some pictures and any updates, so here goes the first:

As I said already, she's almost 8 months old.  She's still tiny compared to other babies her age, but its been almost 2 months since her last appointment so I don't have any recent stats.  She's drinking 5 bottles a day and eating 2 servings of homemade purees.  We've tried avacado, butternut squash, acorn squash, apples, pears, peas, green beans, banana, sweet potato, and carrots.  We had to nix the acorn squash due to some diaper explosions and carrots, well, carrots made her cry, literally.  She had a few bites and then started crying when the spoon neared her mouth.  Her favorites so far are sweet potato and apples.  She has no interest in feeding herself (either her food or her bottle - although she CAN hold her bottle, just chooses not to).  She's been crawling for almost 2 months now, and really pulling up on anything she can steady herself on.  She can cruise a little along furniture, but we're hesitant at home due to hardwood floors.  We're working on transferring balance from one object to another and so far she can fairly easily go from the coffee table to me.  Its just so amazing how fast she is growing and changing daily. She's sleeping through the night, and has been since about 6-7 weeks, with a few hiccups here and there.  Her bedtime is anywhere between 8-9:30pm and wakes up between 4-7:30am.  Most mornings I'm up at 5 to get ready for work, so she's up shortly after.  If its the weekend (or my day off), we'll go back to sleep on the couch after she eats and finally up for the day between 8:30-9:30.  She sleeps in her room, but naps are a different story.  I cherish my days off with her and spend them cuddling on the couch, and its created a bad napping environment where it seems she can only nap with either myself or Kris.  She will nap out in public in her carrier, Ergo, or stroller, but we have yet to be successful getting her to nap in her pack and play or crib during the day.  One day. 

I guess that's enough of an update for now.  I'll leave you with a few of our Christmas pictures: